Jackie Pearcey's record of action over 31 years.
As well as campaigning over those 31 years to get potholes and pavements fixed and dogshit removed, Jackie has also campaigned:
As well as campaigning over those 31 years to get potholes and pavements fixed and dogshit removed, Jackie has also campaigned:
Last year the Council received £100 million for road improvements from the Government, but under spent by a quarter despite our roads being in the worst condition for decades. That isn't cuts, it's incompetence.
This council is directly responsible for the lack of affordable housing in Manchester. Liberal Democrats demand affordable homes and an end to homelessness in Manchester.
Manchester is losing out thanks to Labour's poor management of our transport systems and the failure of successive Conservative and Labour Governments to invest in Northern Transport systems.
Manchester's Labour bosses continue to cry poverty and blame all their woes on Conservative Government cuts whilst spending: