Councillor Chris Northwood
Candidate for Manchester Central

Chris is standing in Manchester Central. Working in Manchester's tech sector for over a decade, Chris was elected to Manchester City Council as the city's first openly trans councillor in May 2023, and is the deputy leader of the Manchester Liberal Democrats.
In addition to her council role and local campaigning activity, she also works for a national charity as a software engineer, building websites that provide support to those in need.
Join Chris and the Liberal Democrat team in Manchester Central to campaign in your community.
Support Chris's campaign
Back Chris's campaign in Manchester Central for a liberal alternative through donating below, pledging your vote, or volunteering with our campaign.
Manchester Central is a safe seat for Labour, but a strong liberal challenger will mean Labour can't take Manchester for granted.
The Tories can't win in Manchester Central - the last time they did was before the second World War. The Liberal Democrats are the alternative here. In local elections, only the Liberal Democrats have beaten Labour.
Chris is campaigning for a fair deal for Manchester. A fair deal where all votes matter through proportional representation. A fair deal to eliminate poverty through a guaranteed basic income. A fair deal for housing through building more social housing, and guaranteeing people's right to live in safe, affordable homes.
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Chris' key priorities
Delivering the fair deal we deserve

1. More Affordable Housing

2. Fairer Voting With PR

3. A Plan To Eliminate Poverty
Find out more 👇
There simply isn't enough affordable housing in Manchester Central. Whilst Labour approved the sell-off of city centre land for £1 for luxury flats with no affordable housing, Chris Northwood campaigned for genuinely affordable homes.
The Lib Dems plan to build 150,000 new social homes every year nationwide to ensure those most in need have access to genuinely affordable housing.
In 2016, Manchester Labour approved a policy which said no more social homes were needed. Now over 7,000 families are on the priority waiting list.
Our current electoral system, First Past the Post, robs millions of voters of voice. It allows huge swathes of the country to be ignored and silenced by a political system that is supposed to represent them.
We’re fighting for proportional representation - making seats won match votes cast. This means an end to ignored safe seats and huge majorities on less than 50% of the vote. It means politicians will have to work for your vote, not just take you for granted.
After years of Tory chaos, now is the time to change to a fairer system. Sign our petition for proportional representation.
As a society we are judged by how we care for our most vulnerable. The Tories have broken our safety net and people are trapped and falling further and further into poverty.
The Liberal Democrats would fix the the most broken parts of the benefits system through scrapping the two-child limit and reducing the waiting time for Universal Credit.
But we would also go further than just patching a broken system. It’s time for a radical new approach. By guaranteeing a basic income for every home, we can end poverty in Britain in 10 years.

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